Tuesday, November 16, 2010

CA2: RJ1 "The Social Network"

Dear all,

Here are the questions for Reflection Journal (1). The assessment rubrics will be uploaded on Blackboard. All entries are to be published on the blog by Friday, 19th Nov, 5pm. Penalties for late submission will be uploaded on Blackboard as well.

1. What do you think are the two most influential factors that have contributed to Facebook's success today? Reflect on the impact (both positive and negative) that Facebook or any other social networking tool has on your daily life in relation to these two factors. For each factor, provide at least one appropriate example to support your answer. (10 marks)

2. The movie focuses a lot on ethical issues and responsible use of social networking tools. Briefly describe any one example of unethical/ irresponsible use of Facebook in the movie and discuss your views on it. Provide one example of how you can engage an online community ethically on any one social networking tool of your choice. (10 marks)

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