Friday, November 12, 2010

Live Twitter Feed via Augmented Reality Building

I'm not sure if Augmented Reality (AR) will be of any relevance to SM or anyone of us at this point of time.. But here's something I personally felt that the video kinda cool. So, just gna share the video and like a one-line intro to what AR is.

So, what is augmented reality?
Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer-generated sensory input such as sound of graphics. Blah blah blah..
Basically, it is a form of technology that can enhance one's current perception of reality.

AR was described as one of the eight significant developments in SM to look out for.
Augmented reality. Sounds sci-fi, but it’s really here. I’m having a hard time describing Augmented Reality to people who haven’t seen it (if you haven’t seen it in action, these infographics from GigaOM might help). The reaction isn’t just “what in the world?” but “who cares about that stuff?” AR uses simply boggle the mind, and I plan to explore more of that in this column soon. I do wish we had a better term for it, though (like “data overlay” or “overscreen view”) so it didn’t have such a sci-fi feel to it. What potential uses for AR are getting you fired up? Related GigaOM Pro content (sub. req.): Augmented Reality: Lots of Promise, Lots of Hurdles.
And here's something about Mobile AR

Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR)

MAR is a group of technologies that blurs the boundary between the real and the virtual world on a mobile device. By overlaying computer graphics on a real-time display of the world, MAR enhances reality by assigning meta-data to physical items. Two technologies must be involved to enable MAR, a positioning system such as a GPS or cellular triangulation and a third party application like Yelp, Wikitude or Mobilizy calling the meta-data.

Some mobile phones like the iPhone 3GS or Android fitted devices also use a built-in gyroscopic compass that can provide a general sense of perspective in the application. The gyro compass is the tool that allow to identify what is the user looking at, not the phone. This is the boundary that separates the LBS to advanced MAR technology. Therefore, we consider MAR as location and orientation centric. This new technology has enormous potential for an ever changing range of user-selectable to augment reality with a variety of online information.

Finally, MAR reaches its full potential when a MIR technology is added to the GPS, Compass and third party application.

And in the case of this video, updates of Twitter statuses have been incorporated into the exterior of this building through the use of this technology.

The exterior of the building

Woman takes out her handphone and screens at the building

What the graphic on her handphone screen looks like

How it'll look like as well (englarged)

Tweet are shown

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