Friday, November 19, 2010

Reflection Journal by Que

By: Que, DMC2B04 0940380

What contributed to Facebook’s success today? Simple.

Facebook provides a user experience design FOR
college students BY college students.

“Had Zuckerberg been answering to a 30 year old manager,
or a 45 year old CEO, the site would have been different”.-Fred Stutzman’s blog

However, it isn’t really considered as the top 2 most influential
factor of Facebook’s success to me.










So what are top 2 most influential factors that contributed
that contributed to Facebook’s success?


Building trust between users and its service.

It's easy for someone to create a site for consumers but establishing trust is not.

This is what I allow strangers to see on Facebook



We know that Facebook was only open to a few colleges at first. People were comfortable with disclosing personal information on the site because their infomation will remain in a closed system, private. Privacy was important to these users and Facebook gave users control over the information they could display on their profile and to whom it could be displayed to, something other social networking sites like Friendster, Tagged and Myspace weren’t able to provide.

Facebook was about freedom of infomation. A true digital, social network.
Like putting the real world on the internet.

People trusted Facebook. People loved Facebook.


People became more vocal online especially on Facebook, sometimes unaware of who’s actually reading their statuses. Some students got expelled because of the things they wrote online and some adults got fired. People grew SO COMFORTABLE about sharing stuff online
that they forget about the boundaries of what they should and should not share online.

Here's an example of what someone posted on Facebook.
It got the person.... Fired. Yes, you read that right.


Did you know that according to a survey.....

79 percent of females are fine with kissing photos,
whereas 42 percent believe that it’s ok to post intoxicated videos of yourself?












Social exhibitionism

The most interesting reason to me how Facebook became successful is because of the fact that offline social behaviour drove people to use the site.

How do i put it in simpler words?
Daily Offline behaviour -> Goes online

An example: I bought my dad a super cool Iron Maiden t-shirt for his birthday.
My natural instinct, I’ll upload the picture on Facebook for everyone to see!


Everytime I do something interesting, I’ll document it in my Facebook.


We know the fact that everybody, (ALMOST) is on Facebook! So when we feel that we want to know more about the person, instantaneously, you “Facebook him/her” because you know that by looking at his or her Facebook, you’d know more about the person like his personality, his likes and dislikes, his favourite music, what he did last Saturday evening and even who he’s dating! You'll know even know what he's looking for, his relationship status,
the things he interested in. EVERYTHING, Just by looking at the person's profile.

Also, it saves so much time keeping up with the news. All you need to do is log into Facebook and you’ll know who’s dating who, who just broke up, who got a new phone and the list goes on.

Online is like the real world. Real social circles but put online
by the people in the social circle themselves.

Also, people became addicted to Facebook.

Did you know that people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook?

People don't just visit the site once. They visit it every single day.
They come back again and again, editing profile, changing profile pictures,
their interest and also updating their friends.

Super nice song! Enjoy.















The unethical use of Facebook in the Social Network movie.

In the movie, Mark created another account on Facebook,
uploaded 4 paintings which he was supposed to write an essay on.
He would then return to the page once in a while to see what people have commented.

Let's put aside the fact that he was indeed cheating, but
having a fake profile on Facebook is considered unethical,
especially when he is the FOUNDER of Facebook.


Once you actually make a facebook account,
it means that you agree to the rules of Facebook which is
that you CANNOT have one personal profile,
cannot provide false infomation.

Recently, my friend's Facebook account was deactivated
because she has 2 accounts on Facebook, one personal and one for school.
She got really angry and after doing research, she found out
that there were many people who were facing a similar problem.

Yes, I agree that it is wrong to actually make a fake profile on Facebook.
But I think many people do not agree with the rule that each facebook user
must only have one account. Most of the people I know online also are doing
the same thing especially blogshop owners because they want to have a separate
account for their business and another account for their personal use.

In terms of fake profiles, I've had a friend whom actually had
someone who actually "stole" her photos and pretended to be her on Facebook.
The easiest way is to report the profile, but sometimes
Facebook takes a really long time to take action to remove the fake profile.






Engaging an online community ethically online.

Well, I'll choose my favourite social networking platform which is....
if it isn't obvious, LOL Twitter!

Firstly, if you want social media to build relationships and trust, you have to get people to actually participate in conversations with you. There has to be an exchanging of ideas, something interactive that is no longer one way but a 2 way communication.
Make it personal. Get to know your followers, identify the key
influences who are actually following you. If you are a food brand,
make sure you know the food bloggers, if you are the beauty brand,
make sure you know who are the respective beauty bloggers.

Secondly, have a friendly person to be in charge of the twitter account.
The person must be able make the followers of the account
feel 'welcomed'. Be as friendly as possible
and answer their burning questions! An example of my favourite
brand on Twitter is @KFC_SG!


Kfc is always informing their followers about the new stuff they have in store for their customers. Other than that, they try to reply to their customers as soon as possible.
Encourage your followers to ask questions!
Get input and feedback from your followers!

Sometimes, I feel that they could reply faster though.


Make your followers feel special!


Some people might get the impression that you're only having this
"promotion" only to get more followers. Some might just
follow you to get the $1 off and after buying the drink,
they might just unfollow.


Always be consistent

It's always important that you consistently share new content,
reply and tweet because you want to your twitter account
to be REAL and ALIVE. People might consider unfollowing you after some
time if the account seems inactive. Retweet, share infomation
about new followers, and share!


I've run out of points. :)

Till then,

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