Sunday, November 7, 2010

S&T: Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's Royal Family To Launch Facebook Page

Date: 7 November 2010

The Internet will become a little more regal on Monday.

Buckingham Palace is launching its own Facebook page, giving fans of the British royal family a chance to follow Queen Elizabeth II's daily schedule and see photos and videos of the royal household.

Users will not be able to "friend" the queen as the page is not considered a personal page by the social networking site. But Facebook users can become "fans" of the monarch.

A palace official said the queen has never used Facebook herself and that the page would be maintained by her staff, The Associated Press reported.

The royal family, however, has a strong legacy of utilizing technology to reach the masses - launching a Web site in 1997, a YouTube video channel in 2007 and a Twitter feed last year.

"Facebook is probably the last bastion of social media the royal household had not yet entered, and the queen is keen to be fully signed up to the 21st century," a royal aide told London's Daily Telegraph.

Source: Click Here
By: Sandy

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