Saturday, February 12, 2011

Top 11 Digital Predictions


Wanna know what are the top 11 Digital Predictions?
According to MillwardBrown, here are their top 11 digital predictions:

1. Brands will juggle their presence on splinternet
2. Evolution of online shopping as augmented reality technologies bridge intangibility gap
3. Online display explodes out of its box
4. Viral video no longer an afterthought
5. More "made for web" online display content
6. More mobile eyeball
7. Brands will find their places with Geo - Location
8. Search would become increasing personal, mobile and impactful
9. Gaming on the move
10. Social graph will make targeting more relevant
11. The battle for online privacy will intensify

To read more, click here and go to insights and click on "11 digital predictions for 2011!

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