Friday, April 8, 2011

Google, Facebook take France to court over privacy

Internet heavyweights including Google and Facebook are to file a complaint with France's highest judicial body against a decree obliging them to keep web users' personal data for a year.

More than 20 Internet companies active in France, including Dailymotion and eBay, are bringing the case before the State Council, their representative French Association of Internet Community Services (ASIC) said on Tuesday.
"The ASIC is appealing at the State Council against the decree to keep connection data," ASIC head Benoit Tabaka told reporters.
The decree, published at the start of March, obliges e-commerce sites as well as video-music sites and online email services to keep a battery of data on their customers.
These include users' full names, associated postal address, pseudonyms, associated email addresses, telephone number, passwords and data used to check or modify them.
The data must be kept for a year and can be demanded in the context of an enquiry by police, the fraud office, customs, tax or social security authorities.
ASIC will lodge the complaint on Wednesday morning, Tabaka said.
"Several elements are problematic. For instance, there was no consultation with the European Commission," he said.
"This is a shocking measure, this obligation to keep passwords and hand them over to police services," he said.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love & Hate on Twitter

This is the original article. DO READ!

HOW TO: Turn Your Facebook Profile Photo Into a Video

Some Facebook users are obsessive profile tweakers. We edit our list of interests. We reorganize our photo albums and experiment with awesome profile photo hacks. We weigh carefully whether we want to “Like” this Page or that, because we wonder how that information will be inferred. And we’re always just a little bit, well, bored with our profiles.
Enter FlipYourProfile, a new Facebook app slash browser plugin that allows you to replace your profile photo with a video. That’s right. You no longer have to have a boring still image in your profile photo box. You can have a moving, breathing, sound-generating profile video on loop.
The app was built by Cisco and DDB Singapore as a way of promoting the former’s line of Flip video cameras.
The application has two catches: First, only those who have the plugin installed will be able to see your video, otherwise they’ll just see your regular Facebook profile photo. Thus, if you want your friends to see your new profile video, you’ll need to persuade them to install it (and perhaps upload a video to their own profiles as well). Secondly, an ad saying, “Amazing! You can post videos on your Facebook profile. Get the app to view my profile vid,” will be automatically posted to your wall should you decide to upload a video, which is rather annoying.
Still interested? Follow these four steps to upload your own Facebook profile video.
  1. Go to and download the browser plugin for Chrome, Safari, Firefox or IE.
  2. Restart your browser.
  3. Connect your profile with the app.
  4. Shoot and send video by e-mailing a video from your Flip Video cam to, or by using the Profile Maker to shoot a video using your webcam or to upload an existing video (less than 10MB, .flv, .mp4, h.264 only).*
*Note: If you’re using, for example, your iPhone to shoot video, you’ll need to use a free file converter like Get Miro to convert your .mov file to one of the compatible formats. You should also shoot your video in horizontal mode; otherwise, it will appear sideways on your profile.
Source: click!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Top 11 Digital Predictions


Wanna know what are the top 11 Digital Predictions?
According to MillwardBrown, here are their top 11 digital predictions:

1. Brands will juggle their presence on splinternet
2. Evolution of online shopping as augmented reality technologies bridge intangibility gap
3. Online display explodes out of its box
4. Viral video no longer an afterthought
5. More "made for web" online display content
6. More mobile eyeball
7. Brands will find their places with Geo - Location
8. Search would become increasing personal, mobile and impactful
9. Gaming on the move
10. Social graph will make targeting more relevant
11. The battle for online privacy will intensify

To read more, click here and go to insights and click on "11 digital predictions for 2011!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Facebook Launches Pages Redesign

Facebook has begun rolling out a full redesign of Facebook Pages. The changes will make the Pages look and operate more like user profiles.

The new Pages redesign was first seen in December, when Facebookaccidentally launched it and quickly took it down. The update not only removed tabs, but it gave page admins the ability to post and comment on other Facebook Pages through a “Login as Page” feature.

Those prototype features have made the cut for today’s launch. As Facebook’s Rohit Dhawan, the lead product manager for Facebook Pages, explained to me earlier today, the company has wanted to redesign Facebook Pages ever since it launched the profile redesign. “We strongly believe you should have consistent experiences when possible,” Dhawan said.

The big difference everyone will notice will be the new layout. The left-hand menu for editing pages has been removed in favor of a new navigation menu that replaces the old tabbing system. And like the Facebook Profiles redesign, the left-hand “Information” box is also gone. However, page admins can now add info about their brand at the top of the page under the main title.

The right-hand menu has also been tweaked. There is now a section that features the page’s admins (if you so choose) as well as a section that shows users how many of their friends have also “liked” that particular page. Finally, just like profiles, a page can now feature relevant photos at the top. This could lead to some very creative uses for Facebook Pages.

Log In As Your Facebook Page

There are some other notable differences between the new Facebook Pages and the old version, especially for page admins. The “Login as Page” feature gives admins the ability to interact with the rest of Facebook as a page, not an individual. For example, I could log in as Mashable and start commenting and “liking” things on Facebook Pages that have “liked” Mashable. Admins will also see a different News Feed if they are logged in as their page; It will display the most important news from the pages you’ve “liked.”

“A page can now use Facebook as if they were an individual with the ability to interact with other pages,” Dhawan said. “It provides intersting content when people are visiting the page. ”

Pages can’t do everything a user can, though. Most importantly, they cannot post on a user’s wall or comment on his or her status. The lone exception is for a user who has opted for the “everybody” privacy setting; Pages can comment on status updates for those individuals.

The other update Facebook is adding is an “Everyone” filter that brings the most interesting and engaging posts from a page’s community to the top of the page. This makes it easier for users and admins to easily find the most “liked” and commented conversations on a particular page. The new Facebook Pages are also smart enough to filter out posts that are not in a language you speak.

The new design launches today as a preview for Facebook Page admins. Before switching, they can check to see what their page will look like and tweak elements of the design before launch. The company is also releasing a Page Tour and a manual to explain the new design. Admins will have until March 10 to switch over though, before Facebook automatically updates every page to the new design.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Share on the Facebook Group!

Hey guys! If you all happen to find some interesting news and are planning blog about it here, do post up the link on the SP DMC Facebook group too and share it!:) THANKS!

In case, you haven't  already joined the group  (which better not be the case!!), here's the link:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Reflection Journal 2 (Daphne)

1.a) Identify and elaborate on two factors that impact the success of a social media
marketing campaign? Provide one example of a successful social media marketing
campaign that has incorporated any of these two factors.

In my opinion, I think one of the most important factors that impacts on the success of a social media marketing campaign would be word-of-mouth. 

Word-of-mouth (WOM) is considered one of the most effective marketing strategies to encourage individuals to pass on a marketing message, thereby increasing the exponential growth of the message’s exposure and influence. With the flexibility to transmit via almost any form of communications and especially with popular social media tools like social networking sites, WOM has reached beyond its anticipated capability to massive crowds of various demographics and beats other communication methods like advertising hands-down as it would take greater exposure for consumers to take a significant action as compared to the greater likelihood of consumers responding to their friends/experts/acquaintances’ strong recommendations of a product/service on social media. According to Neilson Global Research, only 14% of consumers trust ads while 78% of people trust consumer recommendations. 

On social media, there are basically 4 reasons people have conversation about the brand/organization/product/service: 1. Because they love it 2. Because they hate it 3. Because they were asked their opinion about you and 4. Because their community is talking about you. Nonetheless, there are 3 ways you can leverage conversations like these in your favour; through avoiding issues, research about the conversation category or consumers and thirdly, identifying and engaging people whom you want to approach to spread the message about your marketing campaign.  

With more social networking sites increasing its influence as people use it to keep in touch with friends, connect with new friends etc, this would be a good opportunity for marketers to make use of WOM to spread their message. Marketers would be able to identify individuals with high Social Networking Potential (SNP) — and have a high probability of being taken by another competitor — and create viral messages that appeal to this segment of the population.

Through using WOM on social media, it would be easier for conversations to be spread at light speed around the globe and be heard by millions within minutes, especially with the interactive nature of the Internet. Australia, for example, has got 74% of Internet users and 75% of these users use social networks to communicate with friends, indicating how fast these social networks have grown in reach and influence. Moreover, popular social networking sites like Facebook alone have gotten 400 million users by Feb, 2010, therefore imagine using WOM on Facebook, before you know it, your message could have reached and even influenced as many as several million users when people spread to their friends etc. All it takes is just one person to pass on a message to as many people that the marketer wants and then these people pass on to more people and so on for the message to go viral. Just like how Microsoft says it, “the old model was ‘informing, persuading and reminding’, the new model is ‘demonstrating, involving and empowering’. This is the era of customer participation. To have a successful social media marketing campaign, you need to get consumers to participate and spread your message to others on social media. In other words, you need to let people do the talking for you and to connect with people like themselves. 

A second factor that impacts would be people involvement. By people involvement, it refers to the involvement of the executive team. The success of a social media marketing campaign or any other form of marketing campaign requires the Board of directors (Board)/key executives/supervisors to be involved or else it wouldn’t work. If the board doesn’t get involved, they wouldn’t be well-informed or know exactly what is going on. 

You may be the brain or mastermind behind the creative approaches and it can be such a fantastic idea that ‘wows’ people, but your brilliant creative idea can be easily crumble without proper management, execution and monitoring of the campaign. Also, it would be more effective if the people behind the big idea likewise be responsible for the campaign implementation as they had probably done a feasibility study beforehand and would probably know clearly the functionality and operations of the campaign. Ultimately, the success of a social media campaign or any campaign all boils down to proper planning and execution which involves people. 

In addition, people involvement is also closely tied to word of mouth (WOM). In WOM, you cannot expect the leveraged influencers that you have approached to know what to say, especially when you have freshly picked them. Hence, it is essential for the Board/committee/supervisors to get involved and collaborate with your influencers, especially if you intend for them to be your long-term collaborators.

An example of a successful social media marketing campaign would be Ford. They wanted to promote the new Ford Fiesta, but instead of going the conventional way, they decided to use WOM through social media. Ford’s Fiesta success could be attributed to the Ford Fiesta Movement campaign, where it involved selecting 100 socially vibrant individuals who were provided with the European version of the Ford Fiesta 18 months prior to it being manufactured and released in the USA. These "agents" would get to use the cars for six months in exchange for completing monthly "missions" with different themes. They’ll share their experiences through YouTube, Flickr, Facebook and Twitter accounts Ford created for the campaign. Ford believed that people trust corporations less so with the rise of social media they needed to allow other people through word of mouth create trust for them through Social Media which helped amplified their message. By turning the marketing over to social networking sites, Ford provides its target audience with content generated by people within that audience and let them know that they are all real people who are passionate about what they do and the Ford brand.

As a result, there were a total of 11 million Social Networking impressions, 5 million engagements on social networks (people sharing and receiving), 11,000 videos posted, 15,000 tweets (not including retweets), 13,000 photos, 50,000 hand raisers who have seen the product in person or on a video who said that they want to know more about it when it comes out and 97% of those don’t currently drive a Ford vehicle and 38% awareness by Gen Y about the product, without spending a dollar on traditional advertising. Ford Fiesta campaign also ensured that the executive team and the board of directors of Ford get on board and participate in the campaign execution as well.

1.b) In relation to your group’s social media marketing campaign for DMC, provide one
example of how each factor identified in 1a has impacted the execution of this

Our social media marketing campaign was centred mainly on Facebook. 

First of all, we used word of mouth (WOM) through the identification of socially vibrant individuals (i.e. specific current DMC students) who had the potential and relevant contacts of approaching the maximum number of other current DMC students, potential students as well as graduates and get them to join the DMC alumni and students’ group. Thereafter, we intend to care and nurture these leverage influencers by giving them something to talk about: from DMC-related matters such as fun media facts of the day to the latest gossips/happenings in DMC and DMC-related fields. Hence, through this, we hope to be able to spread DMC’s exposure and influence across graduates, present and future students as well as keep the pages alive and active.

Secondly, I wouldn’t say that our team is actively involved in the execution of the marketing campaign even though we had drawn up a list of creative ideas and plans for Facebook. So far, we only had a few postings and edited the profile and name of the SP DMC group. As such, without being actively involved in the execution of the campaign, it reflects on the stagnant pages – the target audiences are not active on the page and some even joined for the sake of showing that they are part of the DMC. Moreover, we failed to create and maintain active conversations partly because of the administrators of the group are not even active. Hence in a way, this has some negative impacts on the campaign although plans are still underway. 

2. Elaborate on two strengths and two weaknesses you see in yourself when working in a

A strength I see in myself when I’m working in a team is cooperation. 
In a team, depending on the various projects that you undertake, would bound to have some occasional arguments or conflicting ideas but at the end of the day, it all boils up to cooperation. Somehow somewhere, either the teammate or myself would give in or we would enter a compromise or else the project cannot proceed. 

Another strength of mine would be an eye for details. It’s a habit of mine to check and vet everyone’s parts or if due to time constraint, the more crucial parts of the project to ensure that everything makes sense and is smooth-flowing. If there are ever any mistakes or information that I doubt, I would bring it up during project meetings or simply edit it (but informing the team later). Maybe that’s why sometimes my teammates tend to be dismal about it as there are times where I bring up such issues especially when the project is due soon.
Nonetheless, my weaknesses when working a team overwhelms my strengths that it sometimes brings me down as a teammate.

First of all, I get jaded easily by projects. Not that the projects assigned are not challenging or difficult enough but it’s due to seeing too much information everyday that I simply want to turn away and give up. Information overload you could say and also, dejection from seeing the same type of information and handling the same project daily.

A second weakness of mine would be poor time management and that is probably the reason of my lateness for school, projects and meetings. I tend to do what I feel like first thing in the morning while leaving the important stuff for later, with the mindset that “there’s always a tomorrow”. As a result, my team mates are so used to my “punctuality” that everyone starts to follow suit and be late for every meeting etc. That’s why my group is often caught doing last-minute work and we often have to pull an all-nighter just to finish it up.


Identify and elaborate on two factors that impact the success of a social media
marketing campaign? Provide one example of a successful social media marketing
campaign that has incorporated any of these two factors.

There are many factors involved in making a successful social media campaign. However the two which I feel make the most impact would be the human presence as well as the integration with offline marketing.

The human presence on a social media platform refers to either a human face/character being represented or a human (more personal) voice is used. While humans are very literally behind the social media accounts and their content, not everyone succeeds in relating to their consumers in a personal manner.

Humans are social beings. We like talking to other people and mixing around. However, with the anonymity of the Internet, people can’t get cues to emotion such as body language and tone of voice. It is even harder to differentiate between the well-meaning and sarcasm. Hence the things you say on the Internet can be interpreted very differently from what the sender has intended to begin with. Sure, we have emoticons to aid our expressions but even then they have their limits.
Therefore enabling a human presence on social media platforms eases the way to being accepted in the eyes of social media users. They can establish a certain rapport with the users this way.

While many companies are jumping on the social media bandwagon and establishing their presence on popular sites such as Twitter and Facebook, not all of them succeed. For corporate companies, there is a delicate balance between showing professionalism and providing a personal touch for their publics. Those who use a human spokesperson for their brand (e.g. Virgin Air, with Sir Richard Branson) may be able to relate closely with their consumers, but run the risk of being too closely associated with their human personality and subsequently, their scandals. The ones who insist on a formal, almost robotic clean image for their social media platforms might be disregarded by the online population as boring.

After all, social media is about being social and sharing information simply because it has a certain value to it, be it entertainment or goodwill. People are not going to want to talk about some boring company page with corporate stuff. In the case of bad publicity, bad news is better than no news.

The other factor would be the integration with offline marketing. This comes in many forms ranging from online competitions with real tangible prizes to providing memorabilia relating to online content (e.g. Popular Internet memes printed on clothing).

Social media campaigns in the end, only takes place online where everything is virtual. Once the users leave the sites, they take nothing tangible away with them, only memories and conversation fodder. Hence with the added integration of offline marketing, it provides that extra incentive to be more involved in the campaign as they would stand a chance of winning a souvenir of sorts
One campaign which integrated offline marketing and achieved unprecedented success was the publicity campaign for the Dark Knight movie. The campaign made use of online media platforms to create a real-time warring game for its audiences worldwide. Fictitious comic characters of the Batman universe (Batman, The Joker and Harvey Dent respectively) used the Internet to spread the call to action, with each faction gathering its own army of netizens. The game quickly became real as each side set a series of tasks with prizes set in real locations for their followers, in a bid to reclaim the fictitious Gotham City. This resulted in hundreds of fans taking to the streets in mock protests and real-time scavenger hunts. Through this game, the organizers had excited Batman fans worldwide and in turn, empowered them to promote the movie.

In relation to your group’s social media marketing campaign for DMC, provide one
example of how each factor identified in 1a has impacted the execution of this

My group who is in charge of the Youtube side, was to created videos which would attract viewers to watch. We decided to use a human representation for our videos in order to enable the target audiences (i.e. Professionals and students alike) to better relate to them. For the students, we are trying to demystify the media hype surrounding Media & Communications courses like ours and show that we were once them and that they can be us one day. For the professionals, we will show them that they were once like us and we will eventually become like them one day too. The human representation in the videos had added on more considerations for our marketing campaign. We had to choose our rep carefully to portray the right image, film everything in real time, and so on.

In integrating offline marketing, we had initially hoped to tie in the events in the videos with actual events happening at the Conference, just like the Dark Knight campaign. However, with our woefully inadequate level of experience in dealing with events of this scale, we decided against it in the end. However, we settled for a subtle call to action in the video as well as a feature of the real-time people in real-time settings.

Elaborate on two strengths and two weaknesses you see in yourself when working in a team.

I don’t mind waiting for people if they are late. I’m alright with working late because someone else was late. Hence, when I can handle the pressure of last-minute work and can stay relatively sane through such periods. However, that is provided the tardiness is not deliberate nor due to some frivolous reason like being too immersed in a DOTA game or something.

It is crunch time and everyone is stressed/in desperate need of sleep. I believe my strength lies in being able to continue on despite sleep deprivation and other priorities. I can drop other activities such as my job and my CCAs if it means working for my projects. In the end, a project is still graded.

To begin with, I am not one bit optimistic. I prefer to envisage the worst case scenarios and mentally brace myself rather than pray and believe everything will be fine. Needless to say, it puts a damper on my general motivation in life. To be frank, my expectations and the reality of the situation had differed greatly (especially when crunch time came around and never left). And thus, I’m not able to motivate my team well whenever our morale drops because I prefer not to deal in false hopes.

Punctuality (or lack thereof)
Despite spending half my life waking up at the crack of dawn every day, I still can’t get up without additional help. Resulting in me being late for early morning meetings ever so often, and having to be filled in on what happened in the end.

Friday, January 28, 2011


1a) Social media campaigns are generally long-term marketing campaigns that require both time and effort to maintain.
One key factor that can make or break such a campaign is the regular updates on the various social media channels employed, as this fulfils the goal-seeking needs and never-ending quest for knowledge of our target audiences. The provision of regular, fresh, innovative, exclusive and thought-provoking materials on the various social media platforms chosen also gives added incentives for consumers to make repeat visits back to the sites. This goes towards evaluating the success of a social media campaign as the total number of visits or the equivalent is a commonly employed factor in doing so.
In addition, a steady flow of updates on the various sites help keep the company’s or business’ clients informed of the latest happenings. This is especially useful in communicating information pertaining to temporary events or breakthrough news such as ongoing promotions or the development of an interesting product respectively.
However, it should also be noted that the messages published on all social networking sites should work cohesively to bring across a uniformed message and brand presence. Aside from publishing regular content, personnel managing the various social networking sites should also take care in maintaining a benchmark of quality of information published.
Gap can be said to have one of the most successful social media campaigns. Through tying up with popular group-buying site Groupon, Gap offered a nation-wide deal in the United States of America: $50 worth of apparel for $25. By the end of the day, 441 000 groupons were sold, bringing in a little more than $11 million. This clearly shows that the use of social media campaigns helped inform the company’s audiences of the latest promotion.
Another key factor that could potentially influence the success of a social media marketing campaign is the adoption of an authentic and unique personality. This is so, as a strong and inimitable personality helps create a distinctive profile for the company, allowing consumers to differentiate between the company or business from its competitors.
Being authentic ensures that the company or business is in line with how people generally conduct themselves on social media. Pretending to be something or someone else other than what your brand stands for is obvious and puts offs most consumers. It is vital to be transparent about who your brand really is and redirect audiences to where they can get accurate and complete information if it is not within the organisation’s expertise.
Personalities can also help build positive rapport with the audiences by engaging them through online conversations. As those tasked to manage the various social networking channels are acting behind the screen of a computer, they are able to adopt a ‘model’ personality, allowing for a high chance of likability.
This is vital, as consumers react positively and strongly towards people whom they want to follow. A personality would give potential visitors an incentive to visit while retaining the interest of current visitors on the various social networking sites, increasing total number of visitors, which goes towards evaluating the success of a social media campaign.

1b) My group and I were tasked with the managing of the Diploma in Media & Communication (DMC) Twitter account. The provision of regular and fresh and fresh updates allowed our followers to be updated with the latest happenings in our course. This gave them added incentive to keep coming back, as well as to attract new followers to our Twitter page.
This can evidently seen on the occasion where we tweeted about the SP Media & Communication Conference 2011 and asked those interested to retweet, reply or direct message us. A handful of our followers signed up for the conference. Subsequently, some of the same students who signed up retweeted a message about the conference as well. This shows that students are eager to be updated about the latest happenings our course.
The adoption of a personality also helped contributed to the interactivity of our twitter page. Our fun, hip and vibrant personality helped build rapport and likability among our followers as well as attract new users to follow us.
This can evidently be seen in the case where our upbeat personality inspired our followers to adopt the same attitude and create excitement amongst them. For example, our followers tweet back to our tweets with exclamations, showing their excitement and enthusiasm for the course.

2) I feel that I am a focused person. This helps in chairing group meetings as there is a objectives and goals are clearly defined and my group members and I are aware of our individual responsibilities and the deadlines to complete tasks by. For example, during CA1, I assumed the role of a leader and delegated work to my team members. I was clear on what needed to be achieved and would assist my group members wherever possible.
I also feel that my strength lies in researching. For example, I am able to search using specific keywords. I felt that the background research portion of the report was rather solid and I drew insightful conclusions from that.
However, assuming a leadership role, my weakness lies in being impatient. As demonstrated in CA1, I had little patience for my group member Wye Kuin when he did not understand his portion to be completed or did it incorrectly, and I apologise for that.
Looking back, I also realised that some of my expectations were set too high or unrealistic. This resulted in me subconsciously imposing stress on my team members. For example, I set tight deadlines and expected everyone to accomplish their assigned task by the stipulated date.

Wye kuin's Rj2


I think one important factor that impacts the success of a social media campaign is to have regular and relevant updates on your social media channels.

Even if I have the best Blog or Facebook page set up, filled up relevant information about my company or event such as an event overview and have a hundred thousand followers, if I do not have regular updates on my Twitter or Facebook page for example which is dependent on interaction, the campaign will go stale when there are no fresh updates. My hundred thousand followers will start to lose interest because nothing new is given to them to continue the hype that is my social media campaign.

Many people today tweet about their activities and update the statuses on Facebook extremely frequently, they want up to date information the moment that information is readily available. So the moment that information is not supplied to them, there will be no point to for my target audience to keep track of my social media campaign as there is nothing to keep track off.

Another factor to consider concerning the success of a social media campaign is letting the users/consumers participate and try to give them a reason why they should participate. I am referring to the interaction between my target audience and my campaign. The entire point of social media is that it is interactive, so my campaign has to be interactive too. If my consumers can ask questions about my campaign, I can erase any doubts they have about my campaign. If I have an ongoing competition in my campaign, I can easily get my consumers to participate. All this also gives them reason to take part in my campaign and therefore continue following it.

One example of a successful social media campaign incorporating my two factors is Twelpforce by Best Buy Co., Inc. Best Buys a famous retailer of consumer electronics in the United States. Twelpforce is the name of their twitter page. They regularly and constantly update their twitter page with information on their products and also regularly answer their consumer’s questions. They have and impressive follower base of 33,000 and their campaign won the Titanium Grand Prix from Cannes Lions. The award gives its top honor to the ad or campaign that is considered the most breakthrough idea of the year. What they do is that every single employee in their store is encouraged to answer the questions of their consumer on their twitter page.


Regarding my own social media campaign, my group has been posting regular updates on our twitter page for DMC to keep followers interested. For example, we have been twitpic-ing pictures of our current events such as Singapore Polytechnic’s open house and pictures about school life in DMC. We also tweet about DMC in general, what students do in DMC and also about our upcoming events/ activities. I believe all this updates have kept our followers coming back to our twitter page. Many of our followers are secondary students taking their O-levels or have taken their O-levels and have an interest in Mass communications, particularly our course.

I feel that if we had not given our followers these various regular updates, our campaign would have gone stale because followers will not be able to find out more about the course they are interested in as information flow had stopped following in. There will also be no point for people who are not following us to start following us because all they have to do to find out about our campaign is just to go to our page once and they will know everything there is to know. If there are regular updates, there is a reason to follow us.

Regarding consumer participation, all members in my group have to constantly reply our follower’s tweets/questions regarding DMC. In a way, it is like a mini twelpforce. If people know we are actively tweeting, people will start following us because they know we are not some inactive twitter page.


I shall start with weaknesses as that’s easier to filter out. One weakness I have is that I get lazy during group discussions and I start to lag behind. Whenever a new update is up, I am slow on the uptake as I have a short attention span that irritates my members.

Another reason is my lateness for group meetings, I come extremely late and that pushes back the time the group meeting really starts and thus time is wasted.

I have very little strengths as but try my best.