Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Next Big Bang

Hi guys, I know I've sent you an email but no one bothered to reply/RSVP
so here's a blog post to tell you about the meet up/gathering
just in case you didn't get my email.

There will be speakers like @DanielGoh, Howing Chang @HowieC,
Brian Ling @Designsojourn, Jon Yongfook @yongfook and Todd Kurie.

Some are pretty familiar names in the Twitterworld and
some I'm not too sure who they are. It would be great to mingle
and also meet up with the other social media enthusiasts there.

There are currently 50 attendees. Registration will close once it hits 60.
Only 10 places left!

You can also check out the list of attendees, like the 24Seven communications people, Krisando and Claudia and also media enthusiasts like Mhisham
and Isman Tanuri. Its good to actually meet the real people
who breathes, thinks, lives social media. I've met a few of them
and I can't wait to meet the rest of the attendees!

:) So RSVP while you still can!

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