Friday, January 28, 2011


1a. Identify and elaborate on two factors that impact the success of a social media marketing campaign. Provide one example of a successful social media marketing campaign that has incorporated any of these two factors.

One factor would be timing. By engaging the target audience at the right time, the targeted group of consumers/audience will be more interested in our product/organization because they will be on the lookout for particular information, and if your campaign is put out at the right time, online users will have more ease finding it. If there are no searches for the topic at the moment, there will be low traffic to your campaign. Once they find out about your campaign at the time of interest, they will start to want to find out more information, thus constantly keeping up with your updates and in turn contributing to the success of your campaign. Furthermore, if the audience takes part in the campaign actively, e-WOM is bound to take place, and the campaign will eventually attract more interested parties.

Another factor would be relevance. If the target audience finds the information being put out useful, then they will be interested and engaged in the campaign. However, if they find that the content does not seem to be tied in with what they were looking for, then they will not be interested in the campaign and carry on looking for more relevant information. It is thus important to do research on the targeted group(s) of audience such that you are able to find out what they are looking for and can the prepare provide that relevant information that they are interested in.

Last year, Sony Pictures started at viral game on Twitter to launch their movie, Terminator Salvation. It was relevant because at the time the use of Twitter was increasing with popularity and at the release of the movie was impending. Gaming fanatics who were interested in the movie actively took part in the game, and while the game took place, small tidbits about the movie were revealed.

1b. In relation to your group’s social media marketing campaign for DMC, provide one example of how each factor identified in 1a has impacted the execution of this campaign.

The timing factor definitely has impacted our social campaign. We started our Facebook groups for each relevant target audience a while before our impending Media and Communication Conference 2011, so that we can start to source for interested parties and engage their interest first. Once they start to warm up to the campaign, we will be (or have already begun) posting information about the conference itself. Our main purpose for the groups are to promote our course, Diploma in Media and Communication (DMC), thus the conference is very relevant to us. By garnering interest for our conference, the audience will then want to find out more about our course. The JAE for 2011 has already ended, thus we are actually aiming more at the 2011 O’ Level takers, who will be taking part in next year’s intake. Throughout the conference, we will be posting updates about it so as to keep up their interest level. Subsequently we will be posting updates for all other events that will be occurring and are related to DMC. Through the course of one year, we hope to educate the audience as much as possible about DMC, such that when our campaign ends snugly at around the beginning of next year, interested parties will be well informed of our course, and will make their decision easily.

2. Elaborate on two strengths and two weaknesses you see in yourself when working in a team.

Firstly, I feel that I am open to changes and others’ opinions. Even if I feel strongly about an idea that I have thought of, I am open to others’ input in order to make the idea more efficient and effective. Secondly, I feel that whilst working in a team I am quite focused on our work. During our group meetings, I will be on task and not digress to other activities.

However, I do find that when we split up work to do, I do have a little trouble in meeting deadlines. I will usually finish a few hours after the set deadline, thus I will work on this point in future so that there will be more cohesive teamwork. Also, I sometimes feel that I do not contribute enough or fast enough to the initial setting out of ideas and plans, and I will also try to make sure that this is not so in the future.

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