Friday, January 28, 2011


1a. Two factors that I feel impact the success of a social media marketing campaign would be interactivity and listening.

In a social media marketing campaign we should let the consumers participate and interact. We should allow channels for feedback and not just send out information on the campaign and leave it as a one way communication campaign. By doing so, we can build strong relationships and trust with our consumers.

Also we should try to give them a reason why they should participate. This is where active listening plays an important role. We should listen to what our audience wants and needs and try to cater to them. In this way it gives the consumers value and this will definitely work in favour of the campaign.

Old Spice is one of the social media marketing campaign that, I feel, incorporated interactivity. The team behind campaign managed to engage half of the Internet, and really positive results from social media sites such as Reddit and Twitter. The comments on YouTube were overwhelmingly positive. The Old Spice Twitter account accumulated tens of thousands of new followers and the YouTube videos amassed hundreds of thousands of views.

The campaign was run perfectly. The Old Spice guy posted videos to respond to comments and even did so in rapid succession, keeping the campaign highly interactive. His answers were a key mix of coolness and the stuff Internet memes are made of. The actual brand Old Spice was never promoted “in the face” to their audience. And, of course, all of it was incredibly fun to watch.

1b. As our group was in-charge of the youtube channel, we had to come up with videos for the campaign. We tried to make the videos as interactive as possible by having one of them filmed as a first person experience and by having the other filmed as though our actor was addressing the audience.

I feel there was no real clear cut way in which the factor of listening impacted our campaign so far. But we did have to identify what our consumers would want and what they might enjoy. Also we had to research on what they like to do and I guess that made up the foundation for the listening process. I think it could be carried on by listening to what they have to say and how they feel about the videos already uploaded and what they would expect in the future.

2. One of the strengths I feel I possess when working in a team would be listening. Listening and understanding the ideas and opinions of my other group members. The other strength I feel I possess would be helping out with equipment. Helping out to set up and carry equipment.

One of the weaknesses I feel I possess when working in a team would be that I like to leave things to the last minute. I think I lack the discipline to get things done consistently. I usually leave it to the last minute and work under the pressure.

The other weakness I feel I possess when working in a team would be that I am quiet and sometimes lack in giving input to the group.

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