Friday, January 28, 2011

ZHONG WEI'S RJ2 - i was on time (editing the headline doesn't count as late)

1a. Identify and elaborate on two factors that impact the success of a social media marketing campaign? Provide one example of a successful social media marketing campaign that has incorporated any of these two factors.

There are two factors that play a large part in ensuring the success of a social media marketing campaign; the first is the consistency of the message throughout all social media platforms. The second factor is the interactivity and keep conversations on going between the marketer and the consumer.
In order to ensure that the audience of each social media platform receives the same message, the different platforms have to work in sync and collaborate with one another. Messages have to transmitted in the same “tone” and “style” as your audience does not view your company differently on separate social media platforms they view it as a whole.
This is important because, should one platform be inconsistent and transmit different messages or in a different “style”, it could lead to your audience becoming confused and lost. Resulting in the loss of your overall message of the social media campaign.

Interactivity (Conversation)
The second factor that plays a large role in the success of a social media campaign is interactivity that social media can deliver. In order to successfully engage the audience, the marketer has to consistently communicate and respond to the audience. This “two-way” communication is essential to form a strong relationship with your audience. 
In the long run, this constant communication and discussion with the audience will build trust, as they know they are able to come to you online.
Secondly, by establishing a successful conversation the audience will be more inclined to pass the message on to their friends and as a result achieving word of mouth communication, which helps build your image as a credible and trustworthy source.

Old Spice
A combination of both of these factors can be seen in the “Old Spice” social media marketing campaign.
In the Old Spice campaign, marketers maintained a consistent “style” & “tone” for all of the different YouTube videos and conversations on Twitter & Facebook. By utilizing the same actor, (Isaiah Mustafa), throughout all platforms & the similar “style” & “tone” while conveying the different messages, marketers provided their audience a consistent image for them to relate to.
This consistent “style” & “tone” helped audiences to recognize and associate with Old Spice as a whole. This also helped to create a distinctive brand image for Old Spice.
Old Spice also heavily utilized the second factor of “Interactivity”.  One of the first methods they utilized was by filming special “response” videos to members of the audience and releasing them over YouTube. These videos generate high views and more response videos were posted, audiences started to pass it along to their friends, as they all wanted to post “fun” questions to Old Spice and have them respond to their questions in the next video.
1b. In relation to your group’s social media marketing campaign for DMC, provide one example of how each factor identified in 1a has impacted the execution of this campaign.

While executing the DMC Blog, we realized that we had to tie in with the other social media platforms such as Twitter in order to ensure consistency in both content and style. Videos, messages and updates had to be the same in order to keep audiences on the right track. This meant that all updates had to be clearly defined and refined before being released to the public.
As Twitter is the prime source of conveying messages to our audience, we had to ensure that when CassyDMC tweeted a new tweet, visitors on our blog could be aware and updated with what was going on. As such a Twitter feed was necessary to keep the Blog consistent with Twitter.
The second factor of interactivity has not be implemented yet. However the concept was based on engaging special public bloggers that would blog and post these special “posts,” by doing so, they would encourage their friends to view the blog and if they too wanted to do special reviews or posts, they would approach us to do so. By doing this, we aim to generate positive word of mouth among out target audience as they will become more involved with the blog as their own content or content from people they know is on the blog.
2.Elaborate on two strengths and two weaknesses you see in yourself when working in a team.
In my view, we all shared the same strengths and the same weaknesses.
I had a lack of Time Management – As a team we did not have proper time management, resulting in rushing for deadlines and high stress levels. We did not begin planning early and as a result had to cram heavy amounts of work at one go. Better time management of other projects along with the DMC social media campaign would have helped greatly and could have resulted in a better concept

I had a lack of Communication – As a team we did not have proper communication channels. We relied heavily on emails and as a result most of the time some of us were not on the same “page.” This was because combined with poor time management, some of use could not check our email daily and others who do check their emails, proceed ahead without informing others. Resulting in miscommunication and an efficient working environment, as we had to bring each other up to speed whenever we met.

I had strong Commitment – As a team we had high levels of commitment, staying late into the night to complete the required work. This commitment helped strengthen our concept as each person contributed/placed all their efforts into the project. With little time and heavy workloads, we all stayed committed to achieve our goals and as a result we managed to complete the project in time and with our concept intact.

I had strong Teamwork – As a team we worked together pretty well. We understood our strengths and weaknesses and leveraged on that to create a balanced working environment. It’s this balance that helped us assign work to the right team member and ensures that each member performs & does the work he/she is best in. By working together and leveraging on each other strengths we managed to compensate for the weaknesses and succeed.