Friday, January 28, 2011

Que's RJ omgomgomggggg

Hi! :) Here goes...


2 Factors that impact a social media marketing campaign

1) Listening to your audience

We know how social media is all about interactivity. It's no longers something one way. A campaign will not be successful unless the team is open to feedback. People always have something to say, So we have to listen, show appreciation Or let them know you are working on it. Never ever delete negative feedback. We all make mistakes and it's better to clarify, rather then ignoring it. This will also allow you to build relationships with your audience.

2) choosing the right platform

Choosing the right platform is essential as it has to suit the brand image or product we are trying to promote. Different channels appeal to different target markets. This will not only help you to find your target market but will also guide you when designing the campaign, that will intrigue them to take action.

An example of a successful social media marketing campaign in my opinion would be.. @sentosa_island

I like how they always thank the people who Retweeted their tweets, how they are always replying and acknowledging their audience. Not many brands online are doing the same. Most are spamming links and it definitely is not something, the audience would be interested in. When twitter users ask questions regarding the opening of the Sentosa boardwalk, the team replies and it creates a sense of trust between their audience and brand. Also, i feel that the team chose made the right choice by choosing Twitter as a channel/platform as the response they have been getting this fr has been positive.

Our group's social media marketing campaign


Yes, we are the ones in charge of @CassyDMC.

I feel that Twitter was actually the right channel because we know that more and more of our target audience(youths) are on social networking sites. Also, it fits nicely with our brand image as a youthly Mass comm course. Also, since we have a new concentration in Social media, it is only right that we make use and explore the use of Social media. The world of media is changing and it's time we embrace it.

In terms listening to our audience, we've always monitored conversations online. We try to clear doubts whenever we can and we've since created a relationship with our audiences online. In fact, we've actually found 14 students on Twitter who are going to be in our SP media and communication course, come April 2011.


2 strengths i see in myself.

I've been on Twitter since 2009 and I've always observed how brands did their online campaigns on Twitter. I'm glad to say that I kinda know how Twitter works, before embarking on this project and it gave me an added advantage. Not only am I very active on Twitter, but i'm also very interested in social media. My passion is definitely a strength. *cough, cough*

Another strength is the fact that... I own a smartphone! This means that I check tweets almost every minute and it allows me to reply most of the time. Yay to my iPhone!! it's so much easier to tweet using my phone and it's also easier to twitpic photos. It's so troublesome to actually take a photo with a normal camera, then upload it up in your laptop, and finally tweet it. Smartphones make life so much easier. In fact, i'm blogging this using my phone. How awesome is that?!


I'm going to be honest. I'm so enthusiastic and like tweeting so much that sometimes i don't give my other group members a chance to reply to tweets. Sometimes, i get too caught up that I don't check if my members have replied to the same tweets. Also, my style of tweeting is also very apparent on CassyDmc, which is not good! :/

Since i'm very experienced, i feel that sometimes i'm too selfish and always not really open to Wye Kuin's ideas. Sigh.... But oh well... Also, since i have 3 Twitter accounts including CassyDMC, it gets hard to toggle between the 3. There was once that i tweeted at the wrong account. Thank god i was quick enough to delete the tweets!!

-rynaQUE XoXo

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